Ave Maria Gratia Plena

Liturgical Ministries


The parishioners work as volunteers in the parish office to answer the phones, greet the guests, enter the database, clean the church and offices, etc.

Contact: Ruth Houghton

The Altar Society

The Altar Society is an organization for all parish women over 18 years of age. This organization is of a social nature and meets on the third Tuesday of each month (September to June) at 6:30 p.m. Through their various fundraising events, they provide the necessary supplies for church celebrations, such as bread and wine, clothing, candles, etc.

Contact: Stella Harrington

Men's Club

Members volunteer their time and talent to help with the maintenance of St. Mary's properties, buildings, and sanctuary. They collect funds to defray costs and finance an annual scholarship. The group meets on the second Monday of each month. All men of the parish over the age of 18 are welcome.

Contact: Mike Fraze

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This organization assists the needy, depending on their difficulties. Different forms of assistance are provided, which include assistance with public services and the acquisition of the necessary clothes or furniture, etc. The volunteers help the community.

Contact: Marilyn Banet

Social Justice Committee

This group coordinates the activities that promote a Christian response to the problems of justice, that is, the Food Collection of the Interreligious Community Council, the Advent Tree, the Blood Collection of the Red Cross, etc. 

Prayer Line

Parishioners who daily pray for requests received.  Requests are communicated by email or a phone-call system when they are received. Please call before 9:00 pm! 

Contact: Barbara Morris 

Bereavement Committee

This committee facilitates bereavement luncheons following funeral masses for parishioners.  Volunteers provide vegetables, salads, and desserts for luncheons on a rotating basis.  Volunteer teams also serve the meals.

Contact: Charlotte Nagle

Building & Grounds Committee

This Committee provides maintenance and upkeep to parish facilities and landscaping of grounds. 

Contact: Buddy Ray

Festival Committee

Our Parish Festival is the third Saturday in September, with a large kid’s area, live entertainment, and food vendors’ variety of American and Hispanic foods. If you would like to be part of the planning committee, please contact the Parish Office at 812-944-0417.

Contact: Mary Pettit

Finance Council

This committee meets monthly to support the pastor in stewardship planning and budgeting needs for the parish and school financial planning to support the mission of the church.  This committee assists the pastor in setting the annual parish budget and monitoring parish income and expenses throughout the year. Members are appointed by the pastor.

Youth Ministry

Provides spiritual, social, and community service opportunities for our adolescents in grades 6 through high school.  Adolescents are the future of our Church and need proper guidance and teaching.  The Youth Ministry has two leadership teams: a Junior High and a Senior High activity team.  These groups meet four times per year to plan youth events.  Other youth events happen in the Deanery and Archdiocese too.  Volunteers are needed to chaperone for dances and retreats, lead Bible Study sessions, provide transportation, organize events, and coach sports teams.

Contact: Andrew Hennessy 

Order Christian Initiation of Adults

The OCIA (Order Christian Initiation of Adults) prepares adults who have indicated a desire to become Catholic through catechesis and witness.  Parishioners interested in becoming a sponsor are encouraged to contact the parish office.
Contact: Andrew Hennessy
 Parish Office 812-944-0417

Children's Catholic Faith Formation

Provides religious education to parish children beginning in Pre-School through 8th Grade. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, and Youth RCIA.  Various activities occur most Wednesdays from August through April.

Contact: Andrew Hennessy


Assist individuals when they arrive for Mass, take up the collection before the Offertory, and assist during the communion procession.  Ushers are typically on a 3-month rotation.  Young adults and adults are eligible to usher.
Contact: Wanda Case


Assists in preparations for Mass and checks that the liturgical ministries are covered for the Mass.
Contact: Wanda Case


Read the first and second scripture readings and lead Prayers of the Faithful at Masses.  Requires volunteers to prepare ahead of time and to speak clearly and distinctly in front of the community.
Contact: Wanda Case


Greeters welcome those attending services at St. Mary's. Arrive at the assigned door one half-hour before the liturgy begins, greet individuals as they arrive, and welcome them to St. Mary’s.  Return to the assigned door at the end of the Mass to thank people for coming and distribute bulletins.
Contact: Wanda Case

Gift Bearers

Carry up the bread and wine to the altar at the Offertory during Mass.
Contact: Wanda Case

Altar Servers

Serve during Mass for weekend services assisting the Celebrant with liturgical celebrations, as well as weddings, funerals, the way of the cross, and other celebrations. The minimum age requirement for servers is 5th grade. Server training is required if new to the position and is conducted periodically.

Contact: Wanda Case

 Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in leading the parish in discernment and expression of its mission.  In communication and cooperation with parish staff, finance council, parish organizations, and committees, and all parishioners, the Council focuses the vision of the parish on the essential elements of parish life. 

Contact: Brenda Molina